Oct 30, 2018
A Day of Honour at Selwyn Outreach Centre
A Day of Honour at Selwyn Outreach Centre
Gwen and I were privileged to be at Selwyn Outreach Centre in Peterborough, ON on Sunday, October 21st for two very special services. In addition to the time of worship, preaching the Word and seeing God touch many lives, Pastor Brian Mahood surprised us by honouring us for our years of ministry. He had prepared a special video that highlighted many of the blessings and miraculous things the Lord has done as we’ve ministered for so many years “from sea to sea, and to the ends of the earth” to reach Canada for Christ. Pastor Mahood also shared the good news that Steven Carleton will become the new President of BPEA in 2019, while we continue to do the work of evangelism in our nation.
As I ministered in the morning and evening services, the Holy Spirit moved powerfully. What a blessing it was to see dozens of people come forward to report about receiving God’s healing touch in their bodies in the evening service. We heard numerous testimonies of healing from back injuries, joint diseases, stomach and lung conditions and many, many more. And even more exciting was the overwhelming response to the invitation to come to Jesus and receive His salvation, forgiveness and restoration. What a great day to be alive and to see the Glory of the Lord covering the earth!
Bill with Pastor Brian Mahood (centre) and Wallace Johnson who laid hands on Bill when he was ordained in 1968