Jul 14, 2023

Canada Day Weekend Praise Report!

Canada Day weekend was a significant time for BPEA. We had a Champions of Hope team in Baker Lake, NU, the geographic centre of Canada, Jacob was in western Canada and Bill was ministering in the east. In addition to all this ministry, Bill and Jacob were also reaching the nation on national television.


A few days before Canada Day we received word that there had been three suicides in Baker Lake, NU in the last four weeks. The local leaders and pastors were overwhelmed and exhausted from dealing with the fallout and ministering to the grieving families. Bill and Jacob felt led to send support for the community and leaders, so it was a tremendous blessing when Jacob’s parents, John and Dawn Walda, stepped up and agreed to go to Baker Lake to pour into those who so desperately need it. While there the Lord has been using them powerfully to hold up the hands of the pastors in both the Glad Tidings and Anglican churches. They have conducted special services in each church and are ministering God’s love and comfort to broken and suffering families and individuals throughout the community. They are doing house visits and ministering one-on-one wherever they go. Every step has been so impactful for them and for the people of Baker Lake. 


Jacob headed out to Lethbridge, AB to join Dick and Joan Deweert for their annual Dominion Conference. The Lord used Jacob, Dick, Samuel Robinson and Paul Juss powerfully as each of them preached and prophesied over the nation of Canada. We praise God for the great reports we heard from people who received healing and for the many who were blessed and stirred to rise up for the sake of the gospel. 

At the same time Bill ministered at Mt. Zion Camp in Gilmour, ON where he has preached every year for 51 years, and when Jacob returned from the west, he joined him to share his heart as well. We thank God for the many lives that were blessed and enriched there.

While all this ministry was happening, our Canada Day Special TV program, hosted by Bill and Jacob, was also reaching people across Canada on the Daystar Canada television network. Bill and Jacob each shared a message of hope and life for the nation, and reported about the many great things God is doing right now throughout Canada. Our dear friends, Adam Shepski and Tyrelle Smith joined them for short segments and gave exciting testimonies of the Lord moving in power through their ministries nationally. It was truly wonderful to declare to the entire nation, through this broadcast, that the Gospel is making an impact in our nation! 


Lastly, Bill released his brand new book, “Vision” for the first time on the program. In this book Bill tells about the vision he received over 51 years ago, that has been the driving force of his powerful ministry to Canada, and shares how he is seeing it being fulfilled in these exciting days. It also contains dynamic teaching that will show you how to see God’s purpose and plan fulfilled in your life. To get your copy of “Vision”, visit our website, www.bpea.com, and go to “Shop”.

While many may say it looks like a dark time in our nation, we are happy to report that God is on the move and a fresh generation of dedicated men and women, young and old, are arising across the nation to declare His Name. Canada is being saved!