Jun 26, 2024

Come Together Regina

“I tell you that in the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance.” Luke 15:7


This scripture was exactly what went through Jacob’s mind as he and Bill stood stage-side in Regina, Saskatchewan as hundreds flooded the altar to be saved. Over the last several months, BPEA has partnered with Tyrelle Smith from Gospel Fire for All Nations to serve the vision that Bill and Jacob shared of seeing stadiums filled with young people, worshipping Jesus.

(Evangelist Joel Wells leading people who responded to the gospel)

At the beginning of June, Bill and Jacob flew to Regina to prepare to minister in the event. Over 40,000 free tickets were given away to people all across the province. Country music groups High Valley and George Canyon were the musical talents for each night. Upper Room worship and Dominque Hughes led ministry times with worship. A local pastor named Joel Wells brought the gospel on night one and Tyrelle Smith preached night two.


Although the team still hasn’t finalized the numbers, over 1000 gave their lives to Jesus. They were connected to a local church pastor, were given Bibles and resources supplied by Kenneth Copeland Ministries Canada. All of heaven was rejoicing that there were sinners who repented. God is so good!

(Bill alongside Evangelist Tyrelle opening in sharing the vision God gave him in 1972)


The event gave space on Saturday night to have people baptized in water to join with Jesus in His death, burial and resurrection! Although the weather dropped to 15 degrees, over 100 people decided to get baptized outside that night, many of them baptized with their street clothes on before heading home!


Finally, the lead team which included Jacob, spent Saturday night ministering the baptism of the Holy Spirit while the local pastors baptized people in water. The Spirit of God came like a mighty wind and touched many youth and young adults.


(Jacob ministering healing to the crowd)

This is the second stadium event of this kind. It’s the beginning of fulfilling a portion of the visions both Bill and Jacob had. Bill in 1972 and Jacob in 2021, saw stadiums filled with young people who then went out and shared the good news of Jesus in their cities. God is so faithful to fulfill His promises.

Partners, know that you are a part of seeing thousands of people hear the gospel in Canada.

You are a part of the army of people rising up to see this great nation saved!


Canada is being saved!!

Evangelist Tyrelle Smith, Jacob Walda and Bill Prankard at Mosaic Stadium