Jun 17, 2021



Check out this bird's eye view of Kinggait, NU!



The first two days in Kinggait (Cape Dorset) have been amazing! It's been so great to minister at the church in town and talk about the incredible hope that God puts in our hearts! The crowds have been great despite there being COVID restrictions. Last night we had close to 50 Inuit in our meeting.

Today I am interviewing some young emerging leaders who's stories are so inspiring! We will post them on our website and social media soon, but these guys give me hope. There is nothing too difficult for the Lord to handle!

This fist picture is of Kinggait (Cape Dorset) from the top of the mountain that overlooks this community. The mountain is called Kinggait mountain and you can see the entire island from it.

Thank you guys for praying for this community and it's amazing people! Thank you for partnering with the Arctic Hope Project!
Hope IS rising in Nunavut!

Ministering at the local church in Kinggait, NU.



I start my two-day travel back to Becky and my girls, but what a powerful 4 days in Kinggait (Cape Dorset)!! It was so good to be with everyone that came to our meetings, even though we wore masks and social distanced.
The Lord is doing a work in this community that so many people have been praying and believing for! I'll be editing and posting some videos about the change that has happened in the lives of some in Kinggait, but we know that this same work will happen across Nunavut!
The word that I felt when I landed here was Romans 1:16 " For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes..."
Hope is Rising!